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Migrate Domino Mailbox to Exchange

The migration software is used to migrate multiple files of Lotus Notes and Domino Server mailbox to Microsoft Outlook or Live Exchange Server speedily at once migrating all the items in NSF file like Emails, Contacts, Tasks, Calendars, Journals, etc. to Exchange.

  • To Migrate Lotus Notes NSF to Live MS Exchange Server, Domino Server not needed.
  • Migrate Domino Server mailboxes to MS Outlook/Live Exchange Server
  • Live Exchange Server required for migration in Live Exchange Environment
  • Domino Server is needed to Migrate Domino Mailbox to Exchange Server.
  • Bulk Migration makes this software quick.

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Ver: 3.1
Windows 8 Outlook 2013

NSF to Exchange Guide    Domino Mailbox to Exchange Guide    System Requirements

Domino Mailbox to Exchange Server at a Glance

Lotus Notes NSF File / Domino Mailbox to Exchange Server Migration Tool consist wide range of feature.

Features of NSF to Exchange Migrator Tool

Read / Unread Emails

Software Maintains Read / Unread Status

The software maintains Read / Unread Status means if an email is not read before migration then software will mark it as unread message in both case Lotus Notes NSF to Exchange Migration or Domino Server Mailbox to Exchange Server Migration.

 lotus notes to live exchange

Transfer Lotus Notes to Live Exchange Server

The Migration tool is used to migrate Lotus Notes NSF files directly into Live Exchange Server Mailboxes. Presence of Lotus Notes and Live Exchange Server Environment is needed for migration.

migrate domino to exchnage

Migrate Domino Server Mailboxes to Outlook/ Exchange Server

It has ability to migrate the mailboxes directly from Domino server to MS Outlook and Exchange Server. Live Domino Server and Active Exchange Server Environment are needed for migrating to MS Exchange.

migrate encrypted nsf file

Migrate encrypted Lotus Notes NSF file emails

The migration software provides option to migrate the encrypted Lotus Notes NSF file emails to MS Outlook or Exchange Server after removing the encryption that was imposed on the NSF File.

mifrate complete NSF Data

Supports Migration of complete data in Lotus Notes NSF File

The software is capable of exporting all the items present in the Lotus Notes Mailboxes that includes Emails, Contacts, Calendars, tasks, notes, journals etc. to MS Outlook and Live Exchange Server.

filter selective item

Filter to export only the selective item from Lotus Notes

The tool supports Filters to export some of the items present in NSF files like Email Filter to export mails residing on and between specified date ranges, Calendar filter to export some calendar entries.

Exclude folders

Option to exclude Folders that are no longer required

It has option to exclude the folders that are no longer required and user does not want to migrate those folders from Lotus Notes NSF file to MS Outlook or Live Exchange Server.

Maintain Doc Link

Maintain the Doc links & internet header after export

The doc links or attachments present within the emails will be preserved after migration from NSF to Exchange. The tool ensures that the internet header of every email or items is kept intact after conversion.

How to Use Exchange Migrator Software?

Step 1 - 4 : Download the software and run the .exe file then run the software once all the requirement found in
active state then click on OK.

Step 2 - 4 : Software will list the migration option, just select the Domino Server Mailbox to Exchange Server option and click on Next.

Step 3 - 4 : The Logon process will take some time and a dialog box will appear with message Please Wait.

Step 4 - 4 : Software will show the complete migration process and show the complete data migration detail.


Watch the video to understand complete migration process and use this Lotus Notes NSF/ Domino Mailbox Server to Exchnage Migrator Tool

Necessary Product FAQ's

Yes, Live Server Environment as well as Domino server is required to migrate mailbox from Domino Server to Exchange Server. The Exchange Server and migration system must be in same domain for migration process.
Yes, the migration software has facility to export multiple number of Lotus Notes NSF files to MS Exchange Server at a time.
Yes, the software allows user to migrate the encrypted Lotus Notes NSF file to MS Outlook or Live Exchange Server after removing encryption of any emails in NSF file. This option should be enabled for migrating encrypted messages.
Yes, the software provides Filter option that is used to check or uncheck the desired items while migrating the Lotus Notes NSF files of any size to MS Outlook or Exchange Server.
